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    Google Ads

    Get Your Website Up There.

    As an Official Google Partner Agency, Convert Digital specializes in Google’s most effective ad types: Search and Display networks. Our partnership with Google ensures direct support from their team, working alongside our professionals to optimize your campaigns for superior results.

    Search Network: We craft compelling ads that appear in the top 4 positions on Google’s first page. Our expertly managed campaigns, backed by Google’s insights, drive ROI and brand awareness.

    Display Network: Leveraging Google’s Display network (including Performance Max), we strategically broadcast your ads across the internet. Advanced targeting options ensure your message reaches the right audience at the perfect moment.
    Our Google Partner status, combined with our in-house expertise, guarantees cutting-edge, high-performance ad campaigns tailored to your marketing objectives.
    digital marketing agency bangkok google search bar
    digital marketing agency bangkok - google ads Ranking

    Rank#1 On Google Today.

    Ideal for businesses seeking immediate, measurable results, Google Ads offers prime visibility in the top 4 positions on Google’s first page. As a certified Google Partner Agency, our campaign managers expertly craft and optimize your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns for maximum impact.

    Our comprehensive approach begins with strategic keyword selection and compelling ad creation. We continuously refine and optimize your campaigns to ensure peak performance in the ever-changing digital landscape. To keep you informed and empowered, we provide regular, easy-to-understand reports that offer clear insights into your campaign’s performance and industry trends.

    These detailed yet digestible reports enable you to grasp exactly what’s happening with your business and within your industry. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions to further enhance your digital marketing strategy.

    Our expertise not only navigates the complexities of PPC advertising but also ensures your investment yields tangible results and a strong return on investment. With Convert Digital, you’re not just running ads; you’re gaining a strategic partner committed to your online success.

    Retarget Potential Buyers.

    Google Display Network (GDN) allows your ads to appear on websites across 90% of the internet. These sites partner with Google to share ad space, enabling targeted exposure to your chosen audience on pages with related content.
    GDN offers versatile ad formats including images, text, GIFs, and videos, viewable across all platforms, including mobile. A prime example is retargeting, which shows ads to previous website visitors as they browse other sites. This reminds potential customers of your offerings, increasing the likelihood of conversion from an already interested audience.
    By leveraging GDN, you can expand your reach across diverse online spaces, utilize various engaging ad formats, re-engage potential customers through retargeting, and increase brand visibility and conversion rates. This powerful tool ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time, maximizing your digital advertising impact. 
    digital marketing agency bangkok - google ads search
    digital marketing agency bangkok - google ads budget control

    Control Your Budget.

    As a leading digital marketing agency in Bangkok, we understand local business budgets and their unique needs. Our approach allows you to test various campaigns, identifying and capitalizing on the most successful ones. Both Search and Display Google Ads offer precise budget control, enabling you to set maximum bids and prevent overspending. You maintain full flexibility, with the ability to instantly activate or pause campaigns as needed. This strategic, cost-effective method ensures your advertising budget is optimized for maximum impact in the local market.