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    A Leading Tutorial School

    Organic Traffic within 3 months
    Keywords Ranked on Page 1-3
    Impressions served in 3 months using Google Display Ads
    E-commerce Goals Tracked
    “From being #8 out of 10 tutoring school in terms of website traffic share to #3 in Thai market in just 8 months. This leading tutorial school in Bangkok found stunning growth by doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) with Convert Digital.”  

    SEO Optimization: The Growth Strategy You Didn’t Know You Need.

    “Slow and steady wins the race” sums up the idea of doing website SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As one of the best SEO agencies in Bangkok, Thailand, Convert Digital always tells our customer upfront that it would take at least 8-12 months to see solid results from SEO, but of course you can expect measurable improvements in both ranking and organic website traffic along the way.

    Convert Digital, A SEO Agency In Bangkok With Measurable Results

    There are many digital marketing agencies in Bangkok that offer search engine optimization (SEO) as one of their services. Some are reliable and good, some lack the tools to properly push the ranks, and some may hire yet another agency to do it only for you to find out months later that your ranking did not quite move up to the point where you need them to be.  

    With Convert Digital, you can ask for daily ranking for any keyword or competitor’s keywords. We work openly and will share with you the exact data you need to make such as: 
    • Almost real-time keyword rankings 
    • You and your competitors’ market share on organic search 
    • You and your competitors’ backlink profile, number and quality of backlinks 
    • Comparing the same important sets of keywords with your competitors – know exactly which areas to improve
    • Which areas of keywords are outperforming or underperforming compared to the market
    • Many more data and clear strategy from our SEO experts

    The Backbone Of Our SEO Approach

    We made it clear that you need to invest both resources and time for SEO to reap its returns. Many clients chose to invest heavily on Google Ads each month, which is not wrong, but they have not planned for when they could potentially reduce their ads spending and still gain more profit. 

    For this tutoring school, they set aside a budget just to support our monthly SEO optimization which has seen great increase over a year. At the same time, the school continue to get new clients via Google Ads which is in their short-term goal.
    Each month, we showed them growth in organic traffic compared to competitors. Thanks to our advanced conversion tracking, we also know that that organic traffic comes from which area(s) of keywords are driving clients to either ‘Add Line’ or ‘Call’ the school. We also know which area(s) of keywords on specific competitors we should aim to beat in order to win against them in our SEO game. With such clarity at hand, our client enjoyed knowing they are winning the game day by day.

    Some Of Our Approaches Are:

    • Some of our approaches are: 
    • Detailed website audit to optimize our own assets. Then we audited competitors to see how they do. 
    • We plan important keywords to rank using a 12-month search volume data from Google and SEO tool.
    • Detailed on and off page SEO optimization for every page on the website. This is a bit technical so clients usually leave it to us. 
    • Monthly strategic review. Our clients are well prepared for both the good and the bad. Sometimes when our competitors made a move, we came up with our plans to counter the effort. 
    • We took 8 months and once we looked back, it’s this chart below.
    SEO clearly takes time as you can see traffic level gradually increased for the first 6 months. Once we achieved to be on #1-3 position for important keyword in the business such as any GED and SAT related keywords, website traffic spiked noticeably on the 7th month. 
    As a result, this tutoring school is now within the top 3 most visited website among its 10 competitors. Their website traffic share grew from 0% to 11% of all searches within education sphere. We managed to get over 100+ keywords on page 1 of Google. This is one of our prized projects as one of the best SEO agencies in Bangkok.  

    SEO Optimization: The Growth Strategy You Didn’t Know You Need.

    “Slow and steady wins the race” sums up the idea of doing website SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As one of the best SEO agencies in Bangkok, Thailand, Convert Digital always tells our customer upfront that it would take at least 8-12 months to see solid results from SEO, but of course you can expect measurable improvements in both ranking and organic website traffic along the way.

    Start Today, Or Start Anyway In The Future When You’re Behind.

    The future starts now. As SEO takes 8-12 months to see clear results, you can’t wait until your competitors are ranked on page 1 and enjoyed high quality business for free because at that point, you are already almost a year behind them. If you are worried or not sure how SEO works for your business, contact us and we will walk you through for free.

    Let us know today.